What Does Customer Relationship Management Mean?

What Does Customer Relationship Management Mean

The relationship between customers and businesses is the core of CRM given customer experience management. But what does customer relationship management mean? Well, It deals with customer lifecycle management.

Customer lifecycle management has been recognized as a popular phrase to indicate the present importance of relationship management with customers. CRM is a vital part of customer lifecycle management.

What is CRM?

A very well-known concept in the business world is ‘CRM’ meaning ‘Customer Relationship Management. The success of any business depends on the relationship with existing and potential customers.

In earlier times, when the merchant and the customer were faces to face, there was an opportunity to deepen the relationship between the two. A merchant who is skilled in the art of communication wins the heart of the customer in such a way that the next time the customer comes to the market, instead of climbing the steps of another shop, he goes there to this ‘known and trusted’ merchant!

Nowadays customer relationship has become a major topic of management and technology also plays a big role in it. In the new era, many new ways of contacting customers have opened up.

A business that keeps in touch with existing or potential customers through these different channels and keeps a detailed record of all aspects of interaction with them, systematically following up can get more and more new business.

In modern times, CRM has become a software system, which can help in all aspects of business like contact management, sales management, productivity, etc.

CRM is primarily used for customer relationship management, but can also be used for communication with internal teams, suppliers, and others.

Whether you are running your own business as a single person, a small team, or a huge business spread across the country and abroad, no one can run without a proper CRM.

Cloud-based software or services for CRM have become very popular these days. If you are still starting on a small scale, you can also set up a CRM system in the free software mentioned below. As the business grows, you can move to the next step!

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Customer Relationship Management in Marketing

A successful CRM rests on two things – firstly, all types of customer-related data are gathered in one place, and secondly, that data is easily available to all team members who interact with customers.

When a member of the business team has made the first call to a customer for a product, other members of the team should know about it and should not call that customer again for the same product.

Similarly, how the first contact with the customer was made, how the customer responded to it, when and how to follow up, etc., all the data should be collected in one place and the entire team should be aware of it.

Customer Relationship Management Platforms and Best Practices

Most businesses know the importance of CRM but are unable to set up a proper system for it. If your business and team are small, this can be done with the help of well-known software in the initial stages, for this (1) Microsoft Excel and (2) Google Sheets can be useful.

First of all, you have to decide what type of data needs to be in a single spreadsheet according to the business requirement. All contact details of the customer, team member in touch with the customer, details of the date and manner of contact, brief details of the feedback received from the customer, when to follow up now, which team member to do it, etc. should be specified in the spreadsheet.

Freezing rows containing column headings will make data manipulation easier.

The file can then be shared with all team members using a free Microsoft Onedrive or Google Drive account. By doing this we will be able to fulfil the two key requirements of a good CRM – all the data will be in a single file and it will be available to all team members. It can also be set to notify the entire team when a team member changes the file.

In both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets, fixed roles and rights can be assigned to team members when sharing a file. Therefore, some team members can edit all the data in the file, while other team members can only see the data and take further actions.

As you will see, some columns will often have to select some fixed data. Such as the names of our various products and team members. For this, create a dropdown menu in spreadsheets or use the autofill feature. If we do that then there will be no error in data entry.

Formatting will always enter dates in a specific format, making it easier to filter and view data. Both Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets programs provide a good conditional formatting feature for data, with the help of which conditional formatting can be set to highlight certain cells as per our requirement.

Many software available on the internet is designed with CRM needs in mind. There are also free versions of such software. But when a business is small and jumping straight into cloud CRM software, managing a CRM system can be a daunting task.

To avoid this situation, when the business is small, it will be easier to organize our CRM system in well-known software like Excel or Google Sheets.

Most of these services allow us to import our previous legacy data when it comes time to use a cloud service on the Internet going forward.

Customer Relationship Management Process

The customer relationship management (CRM) process is a system for managing customer data and interactions. It helps businesses to identify, track, and manage customers in a more efficient way. The CRM process can be used to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and to increase sales and revenues.

The CRM process begins with the capture of customer data. This data can be collected through various means, such as online forms, surveys, and customer service interactions. Once the data is collected, it is stored in a central database. This database can be used to track customer interactions, preferences, and trends.

The CRM process can be used to manage customer interactions more efficiently. It can help businesses to automate customer service tasks, such as responding to customer inquiries and managing customer service requests. The CRM process can also be used to create custom marketing campaigns, and to track the results of these campaigns.

The CRM process can help businesses to improve their customer relationships. By using the CRM process, businesses can become more responsive to customer needs and can provide a higher level of customer service. The CRM process can also help businesses to build customer loyalty and to increase sales and revenues.

Customer Relationship Management Strategy

A customer relationship management (CRM) strategy is a plan for managing customer relationships in a way that maximizes customer satisfaction and loyalty.

The goal of a CRM strategy is to create a system for tracking and managing customer data so that businesses can better understand their customers’ needs and expectations.

A CRM strategy typically includes the following elements:

-Identifying customer segments: businesses need to identify which customer segments they want to focus on. This usually involves segmenting customers based on factors such as demographics, location, or purchase history.

-Creating customer profiles: businesses need to create profiles for each customer segment so that they can better understand the needs and expectations of each group.

-Developing customer communications: businesses need to develop communications plans for each customer segment so that they can effectively reach out to them.

-Tracking customer interactions: businesses need to track all customer interactions so that they can identify patterns and trends.

-Analysing customer data: businesses need to analyze customer data to identify opportunities for improvement.

By following a CRM strategy, businesses can improve their customer relationships, and ultimately their bottom line.

Importance of Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are designed to help businesses manage their customer relationships more effectively. By tracking customer interactions and data, businesses can gain valuable insights into customer behaviour and preferences.

This helps businesses to improve their marketing and sales efforts and to provide better customer service. In addition, CRM systems can help businesses to build stronger relationships with their customers, which can lead to repeat business and increased customer loyalty.

Top CRM software to check out


HubSpot is a well-known name in the world of CRM, like the other services mentioned here, HubSpot also offers a variety of services for business management and teamwork, one of which is a free CRM. Here you can proceed by opening a free account, without the need for a credit card. You can also run email campaigns from here.


If you are working on a very small scale, alone, or with a team of two, you can check out the free edition of Zoho CRM. In it, you can try the CRM with basic features like leads, and document sharing with three users. You can move to a paid plan per user as the business grows. Zoho is an Indian company.


Check out ClickUp services if you want to experience how cloud-based CRM solutions work. This company offers a variety of solutions for task management, project management, and more, and CRM is one of them. The good thing is that it is free for personal use, with some limitations.


Salesforce is a huge name in the world of CRM. Apart from CRM, it offers many different powerful tools for team communication. If you have a good business, Salesforce is the right service for you, but if students in the business field see demos of Salesforce and understand the business tools well, they can also come in handy in future job interviews.

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