The stock market may go up and down, but the real estate market is always strong. Here are some real estate quotes from top investors.

If you’re looking to make money by investing in real estate, then you should definitely read these 35 ultimate lists of quotes for real estate investment. They’ll help you understand why investing in real estate is such a good idea.


Quotes for Real Estate Investment

“You can’t lose with real estate. The only risk is not having enough of it.”

John D. Rockefeller

If you’re looking to make money by investing in real estate, then you should definitely read these quotes about investing in realty. They’ll help you understand why investing in real estate is such a good idea.

“We have more buyers than we have homes available”

Donald Trump

There are two main reasons why people choose to invest in real estate. First, they see it as a safe investment. Second, they believe that real estate prices will continue to rise.

Quotes for Real Estate Investment

If you’re looking to make money off of real estate, then you need to understand how the market works. You also need to find out what kind of properties are selling well and where there’s demand.

Quote for Real Estate

“The best investment on Earth is earth.”

Louis Glickman

Meaning: If you don’t want to invest in stocks, the best investment is earth. Earth is a very precious and necessary asset for all living species, we can’t live without it.  

The best proof of this is that all living species must return to earth after death. Earth is like a giant bank; you can save your money by leaving it, and then you can lend it to others and make money.

Earth also has very high liquidity.  It is flexible enough to be used as a building material, furniture, and fuel.  Earth is indeed the best investment on earth!

“Property has its duties as well as its rights.”

Thomas Drummond

Meaning: True. Property has its rights and its duties. In fact, property rights are intended to serve public interests and the common good. Property rights are part of the social contract that encourages people to make the great personal and financial sacrifices that are necessary for building a better society.  Here are some of the responsibilities that come with property ownership:

* Keep property in good condition; * Be aware of the rights of those who come onto the property;

* Treat neighbours with respect;

* Protect property from misuse;

* Avoid any conduct that would be a nuisance to neighbours;

* Keep the property clean;

 * Do not allow the property to become a nuisance;

* Dispose of trash responsibly;

* Protect property from fire and theft;

“Landlords grow rich in their sleep.”

John Stuart Mill

Meaning: Landlords simply collect rentals. There are no products or services being sold. Only by collecting enough money each month can they grow rich. It is a low-risk investment not needing a lot of time and effort.

This is also a good method to get rich quickly. If you have saved up money, then you can consider buying some real estate and collecting rent from the tenants. If you are good at investing, then you might consider collecting more than the amount of rent.

“Know what you own, and know why you own it.”

Peter Lynch

Meaning: What is the real value of knowing what you own? This is the best way to uncover the truth about your financial life. If you don’t know what’s in your portfolio, you are only guessing about your chances of building wealth in the future.

The truth about your life savings will set you free to make the necessary changes to achieve your financial goals. If you don’t know what you own, you don’t know what you have in terms of assets and bonds and you don’t know the relative value of each asset in your portfolio.

“Buying real estate is not only the best way, the quickest way, the safest way, but the only way to become wealthy.”

Marshall Field

Meaning: As a matter of fact, real estate is the safest way to get rich in the next 5 years. In most cases, our homes are the largest investment that we will ever make in our lifetime.

The housing markets are on an upward trend and are expected to continue as such in the next five years. If you can get a foot in the property market, you will be able to take advantage of the equity in the property, and sell your property for a profit.

Home Ownership Quotes

“Owning a home is a keystone of wealth… both financial affluence and emotional security.”

Suze Orman

Meaning: Many people compare home ownership with stock ownership. They feel that since they pay their mortgage and their property value increases they are making money.

They don’t realize that they are paying someone else’s mortgage and the increased value is not in the property but in the land. The notion that buying a home is an investment was started by Wall Street and car dealerships.

Quotes for Real Estate Investment


But the truth is the home is a consumable item, like food or gas. You use it up and it loses value over time.

“Real estate practice is not about selling or buying a home. It’s about representing your client’s greatest asset to your client’s greatest benefit.”

Alex Delgado

Meaning: Real estate practice is not about selling or buying a home. It’s about representing your client’s greatest asset to your client’s greatest benefit. This is true for all clientele, whether rich or poor.

It’s just that when buying a home, a poor man, who is probably not well versed with the process, needs a great deal of help and that is where real estate agents come in.

They must provide that great deal of help to the poor man to earn the trust of their clients. The fact that a wealthy man is usually more knowledgeable of the process adds to the trust factor and hence, a much higher price is offered.

“The bottom line: investing in real estate is smart because the property is tangible. People always have, and always will need shelter. This means it is very unlikely that our need for shelter will ever go away.”  

Kathy Fettke

Meaning: Yes. There is almost no doubt that real estate is a good investment. It has been for a very long time, and it will remain so for the foreseeable future. You never want to invest in anything you can’t afford to lose, but you also don’t want to be afraid to invest.

Real estate is one of the few investments where you can really build wealth if you start early enough. This is especially true if you’re trying to build wealth to leave to your children and future generations.

You never want to invest in anything you can’t afford to lose, but you also don’t want to be afraid to invest.

Short Quotes About Home

“Love begins at home”

Mother Teresa

Meaning: This is very true. Mother Teresa did not just give people food, clothing, and shelter, she also gave them love. For Love begins at home..home is where the heart is.

“Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms.”

William J. Bennett

Meaning: Home is a shelter from storms – all sorts of storms. Not only storms in the weather, but also storms in life. Your home is your own shelter. It’s a place where you can find peace, comfort, and safety.

“People usually are the happiest at home.”

William Shakespeare

Meaning: People tend to be happier at home when they take some time off from their work and recharge themselves with family. Doing small simple things like spending some quality time with your spouse, cooking your favourite dish, listening to the music of your choice, watching a movie etc. can make you feel awesome.

Motivational Real Estate Quotes

“People say they get into real estate for ‘freedom,’ but if you have a lot of freedom, you’re probably not selling any houses!” 

Dana Galli, HM Properties

Meaning: This is true, and only shows how the general public is misinformed about one of the best ways to earn money. It is true that real estate can be a lot of hard work and can be very time consuming, but it is also true that real estate investing can be one of the most lucrative ways to make money.

It is true that you could sit around and do nothing and collect money from your property, but that’s not how real estate investors roll. This question is akin to asking, “If I stay out late this evening, will I sleep in tomorrow?”

“If you’re in your 20s, 30s, or 40s and you’re entrepreneurially minded like I am, I don’t think the best strategy for you is to buy a home.”

Gary Vaynerchuk

Meaning: It’s not a good investment if you plan to stay there for a long time. If you’re planning to stay for a long time, then you’re better off renting. The total return on housing as an investment is too low.

“If you don’t adopt disruptive technology, you will be disrupted.”

Brad Inman

Meaning: Good news for those who are not familiar with this term, disruptive technology is actually a process in which new technology, particularly information technology, dramatically changes the way business is done. This change is so profound and pervasive that it eventually disrupts long-standing industry conventions.

Real Estate Investing Quote

“Buy land, they’re not making it anymore.”

Mark Twain

Meaning: The idea behind this quote is that the value of land can’t be created like anything else. The land also has other good uses. It can be used to cultivate crops, house animals, etc. Moreover, the land can be rented out.

“Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful.”

Hazrat Inayat Khan

Meaning: Some people look for a beautiful place. Others make a place beautiful. It is not only the location or the place that makes life beautiful, but it is the person with whom you share the place that makes it beautiful.

“Don’t wait to buy real estate. Buy real estate and wait.”

Will Rogers

Meaning: A great point, especially for those who feel that they need to have their real estate in place before they can start their business. While you wait, the property will appreciate, so you won’t be losing any potential gains by not owning the property yet. If you start your business first and then find a property to use, you can get more space at a more attractive price.

Real Estate Slogans Funny

“Buy a home far enough out of the city that the traffic isn’t heavy but close enough to the city that they still deliver pizza.”


Meaning: This is the best among all. You get to the city, but you don’t have to pay the city prices.

“To purchase a home is to subconsciously gain the respect of many in your community.”


Meaning: Yeah, the achievement of homeownership and the respect that comes with it doesn’t just happen. You have to work hard and strategically to get there. If you are looking to purchase a home and get that respect.

“Buy a home on the backroads, so your relatives can never find you.”


Meaning: The key is to “buy a home on the backroads.” If your family is a pain, then it might be wise to distance yourself from them. This way, you will get to live a much happier and healthier life.

Buy House Quotes – Quote for Buying a House

If you don’t like where you are, Move- You are not a Tree!


Meaning: It makes no difference whether you are poor, middle class, or wealthy, you should be aware that you only live once. If you are not happy with your current situation, you should change it.

Keep calm and hug your realtor


Meaning: This is soooo cute! I love it! I’m not missing a chance to hug my realtor! This is so perfectly timed with the recent housing market crash and foreclosure fiascos.

Kisses are like real estate…Location ..Location, and Location


Meaning: Location, location, and location! Kisses are just like real estate, location matters a lot. The location can be a bed, a bench, a car, a kitchen table, a couch, a break room, the floor, the shower etc. Whatever place you and your partner are comfortable with is the best location for a kiss. The same applies to real estate.

Inspirational Quotes for Home Owners

The best journey takes you home.”


Meaning: Yes, one can travel all over the world. But home will always remain the last destination

“I left the light in my heart on in case you ever wanted to come back home.”


Meaning: Someone is missing you at home.

“To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.”

Chinese Proverb

Meaning: Take a bit of advice from the realtor. A Realtor knows what you really need and can give you inputs that you probably don’t even consider in the first place.

Real Estate Quotes for Social Media

“It is not that we have too little time to do all the things we need to do, it is that we feel the need to do too many things in the time we have.”

Gary Keller

Meaning: If you are doing anything that’s making you unhappy, then you should stop doing it. Your time is too precious to be wasted doing things you don’t like. If you have the right priorities, then you’ll have a clear vision of the path you are taking.

“In the real estate business, you learn more about people, and you learn more about community issues, you learn more about life, you learn more about the impact of government, probably than any other profession that I know of.”

Johnny Isakson

Meaning: As a realtor, you not only learn more about life but also learned more about yourself.

“The more you know about your customers, the more you can provide to them information that is increasingly useful, relevant, and persuasive.”

Jay Baer

Meaning: This will help you retain customers and even turn your current customers into strong brand advocates. Make sure you have a clear understanding of your customers’ current wants, needs, and pain points.

Real Estate Catchphrases

“Hassle-free way to find your dream homes.”

Meaning: It is just a matter of finding the right tools. Good real estate apps are a great way to help you find your dream home.

“Hurry up, your new home awaits you.”

Meaning: If you made up your mind, after reading these amazing quotes, hurry up and your new home awaits you.

“Find your dream homes with us.”

Meaning: People spent their entire life pursuing dreams. Home is the dream everyone strives to make come true.

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